Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the mountains are calling

Hi Folks,
Hope you are all doing well and enjoying life.I only have 2 days before i start the challenging rocky mountains though i think its not until 3 days into Colarado that the hard part begins.Mountains ,cold and less oxygen ,sounds like fun.At least i will be able to stay at the ywam base in Denver on my way through ,which will be great.

I have been constantly amazed on this trip how God brings about help and changes things around when ya really need it.There have been many times when i thought i am to tired to go far today or feel a bit down but with some prayer in a matter of miniutes i can feel fine again and have a renewed energy .I am sure thats also your prayers helping me.

The last couple of days the wind and heat have eased off .The one thing that is really bugging me though is mosquitoes.Why were those irritating things ever created other than to keep the repelant people in a job .They need to invent one that actually works.

There is a need to improvise at times .As you would appreciate its important to have clean underwear.Well i wash them in petrol station toilets .How to dry them? Obvious.Put them on the handle bars of the bike and they dry as i ride along .Beautiful eh.

Keep me in your prayers duting this next difficult stage .At least i will experiance the beauty of the mountains.God never gives us more than we can handle so i know as with all of us ,if we look to Him in whatever our circumstances ,He will help,teach and bless us in whatever we have to go through .

Pray also for Home of the open Heart as we wait to see God move in the area of financial blessing for that charity.

Love and Peace,
(well it is the anniversary of woodstock)


  1. in the toilet hey hmm I am assuming you mean the hand basin!!!

  2. Hey Bernie - reading the next few months of hard-slog in expectation that this will be the time we see the $$ come in. Pilgrim just put in $50 to ARMS(the start) and Im about to launch the Torrens Valley fundraising, with some keen kids :-). YOur stories make great reading!!!!
    from Roz

  3. yea ya right there anon.i am getting feral but not that much.
    Thanks Roz ,i am sure as we comtinue to pray God will release the finances.Thanks heaps for ya efforts especially as i know how busy teachers are with just there normal work load.bernie
