Wednesday, July 15, 2009

just another day in paradise

Hi everyone,
Not a great deal to add today.Been sleeping out lately so havnt got to use the net but its going along pretty ok the last few days.I had a bike problem today and it looked like i would have to walk it for 4 hours to get it fixed when someone gave me a lift thank GOD cos i really wasnt to keen on that idea.The guy Richard from rent and roll bicycles in Chillicothe spent 90 mins on it and didnt charge me and gave me a light and chain oil as well so people have been good.Trying not to let the hard times prevent me from enjoying the good.Getting lost has been a great way to get to talk to others or find a beautiful spot i would have missed.Sleeping out while a bit rough on the back is still great in its quite beauty.It seems when things go wrong its just another way for GOD to show how He cares and to see the good side of humans.One young boy even got me to ride back to his place so he could give me 6 dollars to the cause.
I am learning nothing that happens on this trip or in life when we have God is a bad experiance.There are lessons and a chance for growth but i am sure glad i dont have to go through the battles without Him.
If you thought my taste in music was bad with John Denver the song that keeps going through my head as i travel through Ohio is Olivia Newton John and her song 'down by the banks of the Ohio'.Sadly i dont have the cd,i must get it soon ,ha.
I am going to make an effort and not make this time all work and no play.Life is meant to be celebrated and joyful,i think i need to tap into that more.So much gets back to our attitude to what we are dealt and we can chose anger,self pity ,bitterness etc or we can allow circumstances to shape us into better ,caring ,compassionate and whole people.The negative ,ugly stuff sucks .
Hope to stay at ywam in Dayton for a day at the end of this week which will be great to have some company and meet some more ywamers.For those that dont know it stand for Youth With A Mission or as we jokingly say youth without any money.Its not just youth though as there are plenty of old buggers like me in it.If you have any desire for mission work on any level you should look into it.There is a place for anyone and whatever way you want to express your heart in serving God you can find that in ywam as its very broad in its capacity to allow the individual to be creative, at the same time develop a warm and caring community to help that happen.
True happiness is really only found when we lose ourselves in the service of God and others.
See ya in a few miles as it is here.I prefer kilometres ,it sounds like i have travelled further.


  1. Onya Bernie, keep up the great work. I continue to pray for you.

  2. Neil Kerley would be proud!!!!!

  3. What a contrast to the Double Decker bus days. Push that bike my son! peddle peddle!

  4. Gday Gregory,
    that bus sounds attractive now.Hey you should get ya students to use this as a project if sorts and get ine of the kids to mention to ms Baum its worth a fundraiser.Give her the web page and see if she takes up the cause its worth a go.look forward to getting on the housboat when i get back and doing absolutely nothing except changing the dvds.Bless you my son,bernie
