Sunday, July 12, 2009

another day

Gday mates,
That includes mateses.While it was good to have a day off and get some needed rest i found i really didnt enjoy it as not much to do and with more time to think, there is time for negativity to creep in and all the doubts about raising the money and my own financial needs and how am i going to last the distance .When i am on the road all my energy is taken up with powering on.There is hardly any energy to waste on negative thoughts except how darn hard it is.
Today i found a new enemy ,that is humidity.It often gets up to 90 percent and i really struggled with it today.I love clear heat and that is why i never hang around Adelaide in winter but humidity is so draining and was making me so grumpy today that i wasnt a nice christian as i let out a few expletives.
The other thing are the roads are getting worse and combine those things with more mountains it was not the easiest of days but i knew it was going to be like this so its no use complaining.
I also have found a better and more obvious solution if i do run out of food.I wasnt that keen on the fasting idea as not only would it slow me down but i love my food.I will do what happens when i run out of water,i knock on someones door .I think when i explain what i am doing most people will at least give me some bread.
This trip is a faith venture in 3 areas .1 .money for the charity needs(food,shelter,water).3.The strength to complete the journey.None of those 3 can i acheive without Gods and other people help.Its a good and at times humbling place to be in because like most people and especially aussies we can often find it hard to say we need help.We like to think we have it all together and can make it by ourself.Well thats the lie we try to believe but its far better to be honest and admit we are but little pieces of moronic particles when we try and live independent from our creator,the One who watches in sadness as we stuff our lives up because of our foolish pride.
There is much to like about America but i have discovered it does 2 things badly.1.It makes lousy yogurt.I normally eat more of that than any other food,but not here.Dairy Farmers should export ,they would make a killing.2.They make terrible bread.There is so much sugar in it that it taste like sickly cake.Well thats my little gripe but as i said before i have been surprized by the good nature of most Americans i have come across.
Time to hit the sack.A kind lady from the Stockport Mill Inn has given me free accomadation tonight,thanks Dottie.Bless ya all and as thay say here,have a nice day.


  1. Hi Bernie,
    Even though its blazingly humid over there its 13 degrees during the day and 3-4 degrees overnight back in Adelaide. In reading your blog, the ride is your ultimate challenge where you continue to use those skills you have from all those other walks/rides in Australia. But pushed to do those things that you wouldn't normally do and could only do with the grace of God and the support from loved ones and strangers. Keep going Bernie. There will be Dairy Farmers yoghurt waiting when you get back.

    Cheers M.

  2. Where are you? I have been thinking about you and praying for you...just got back from Jamaica on another mission trip. Will be in Ohio for the next couple of weeks and if you are going through the state, let us know where you are and maybe we will try and hook up at some point.

    Keep up the good work. We are thinking about you and praying for you.

    Grace and Peace,
    Jeremy Thompson

  3. Hey Bernie-

    Matt from Blackwater Bikes here. The last time I saw you you were riding north on Rt. 32 in Davis, WV after getting some toe clips installed and Roger giving your bike some TLC. I was hoping for more info on where you are, what you are seeing and feeling (besides tired and hungry...get used to it bro) and who you are meeting. Those are the things I remember from my cross continent trip. Good luck to you and...

    Ride On,
