Monday, October 5, 2009

on the road again and nearing the end


Thanks so much everyone for your support to get going again.Its a far cheaper version but with only a few days left i would have done it on a skateboard if i had to .The first day back on the road i got 3 punctures after only having that many for the whole trip.

Just when i thought things might start to get easy the following day i was riding all day into the strongest wind of the journey.I was hardly moving.To make it harder it was the worst road with no shoulder and trucks missing me by inches.They call it blood road for good reason as its claimed many lives including actor James Dean.I passed the spot he died back in the 50s.That night i had to sleep on the side of the road and with my new cheap sleeping bag it was like being wrapped in a table cloth.Brrrrr.

Getting excited now as it will all be over in 3 or 4 days i think and hope.Will let you know within the hour of getting there.Keep praying people will respond to the media reporting on having my stuff stolen as that will make it all worthwhile.This will probably be the last update till i finish so catch ya then.


  1. Bernie, I'm sending some prayers for you right now as I type this message out so that your last couple of days on the road are safe.

    In His Draft,

    the CyclingRev

  2. hi ya bernie you are amazing. Well done on the perservering.

  3. Bernie we are praying for ya! You are amazing and we are cheering you all the way home! Love Bek Stevens

  4. Hi Bernie,
    You are a legend. Keep pressing on, the finish line is in sight. Your efforts for Home of the Open Heart orphanage is inspiring and an incredible achievement. You go!
    - praying for you
