Saturday, October 10, 2009

it is finished,thank God

I have finally finished the journey that started 15 weeks ago and i still havnt grasped it yet that i dont have to keep riding and sleep out and i can have a shower every day and not have to eat tuna and crackers and life can hopefully be different .

Arriving in San francisco last night about 10pm i had imagined how i might feel at the completion of the trip thinking i would be so excited and relieved and want to celebrate but reality is so often different and i was just so tired all i wanted to do was have a shower ,go to bed ,phone a few people and go to sleep.

This is exactly what i did and was happy to leave it at that.The last few days were still hard work and i really had to push it right to the end.Its good to be here at the ywam base and this morning joined a team that made a thousand sandwiches for the homeless and tonight we went out giving them hot chocolate drinks.Many were open and wanted prayer and it
was great to see young people with a heart to get out there and minister Gods love to those who are really struggling.

I would like to make one more final blog before i blog off into the sunset but need 2 or 3 days to reflect on the last few months before i express it so dont turn off yet.I do want to thank everyone who has been a support in some way with finances or prayer or messaging and encouraging me in some way.Its been amazing and humbling and i am very thankful to know there are people who were there when i needed them.

Catch you in back here soon.I need to get some more sleep now.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on finishing the trip. I am happy for you. Welcome to the "coast to coast club".
