Thursday, September 10, 2009

just more of the same

Hi ,
Well the last few days have been reasonably hard but not to bad.Coming from Colorado to Utah i went through about 40 miles of the most amazing country.Riding between mountains next to the Colorado river at night with an almost full moon was like being on another planet.

This is where many movies were made including mission impossible,back to the future ,the greatest story ever told and plenty of westerns and john wayne .The formation of the mountain and terrain are freaky.

The last couple of days hasnt been much to look at just desert,rather boring like going from Port Augusta to Alice Springs.The temperature is about 90 so its not to bad but it gets harder the next few days with more mountains to climb.

The only drag is at this time of the year not being able to watch the football especially with my team the mighty Crows playing.American football just doesnt cut it.Real men dont wear padding.

I feel i am over the hurdle now and even though there are still hard days ahead i can see the end in sight and the final day of riding will be so good especially ending it in Sanfransico at the YWAM base and catching up with the team from Adelaide.

I intend to celebrate with a big bowl of cheescake ,chocolate and icecream and red wine if i have any money left.Cant get to far ahead of myself though as it is still a way off.

I am still praying for some breakthroughs between now and then but God has His own time table. Thats about it for now ,nothing to exciting to report ,its just one mile after another.Slowly,slowly wins the race.I am hanging out for some normal life now.

Catch ya in a few days,


  1. A sad moment for the Crows. It was a hard game in the last quarter and we thought we had it in the bag - but (you guessed)- the umpire took it on himself to award a soft free to Collingwood. Obviously Victorian.

  2. Bernie, I have always wanted an genuine Indian tepee. Could you keep your eyes open for one and let me the cost, etc.

    Have you got deep heat in your kit bag and sun screen? Those are very important items!
