Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The final blog

Hi Folks,
I was going to try and write something profound on this final blog but i am still feeling to tired to be inspired so this is all ya getting.Above everything else i want to say thanks to the Lord for getting me through.The applause of man means little if its without Gods approval and i know all glory belongs to Him and anything that we accomplish outside of what He has called us to do is vanity and stands for nothing in eternity.

I know some who have been following my journey are not believers or maybe just a bit religious but have not experienced God on a deeper level.I dont claim my relationship with the bloke upstairs is super close either and as i said thats one of the reasons for this trip.I dont think we ever will feel we have arrived as long as we are clothed in this body anyway.

In a world where so many have nothing and the others of us who have so much want more and more, there is a way to break out of the greed and selfishness that controls us and only seeks to make us unhappy as we offer our life on the alter to the idol of consumerism.

All i can say is check out what God has to say for yourself
.As someone once said' its one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread'.You will find it in the person,Jesus.I dont mean the effeminate hollywood version with His long beautiful hair and rinso clean robes.I mean the man who was as tough as the nails that went into His hands and feet but who was also so gentle and sensitive to the needs of others .

If He was to play football (with the crows of course) He would be at centre half back stopping the enemies attack.Being humble He would be happy to set up the goals and let the forwards receive the glory.
Lets say we had a room full of 100 of the most famous men in history and they gathered to boast of there wonderful achievements each trying to claim the title of the greatest.

There was Socrates,Plato,Marx,Edison,Einstein,Freud,John Howard(only joking),Dickens ,Buddha,Beethoven,Muhammad,Curly Larry and Mo(only joking again),Marco Polo,Genghis Khan to name a few, enjoying the wine which had loosened there tongues to the foolishness of boasting.In the midst of this walks the risen Christ.(Through the wall of course).

Everyone stops talking and immediately realizes the stupidity of there previous conversation.The Lord doesnt need to say anything.His presence fills the room .Talk about charisma ..Even Richard Dawkins who had snuck in the backdoor and was boasting in the atheist delusion that such a person didnt exist,was dumbstruck .God in His mercy had given Him a free will to choose not to believe in Him despite the evidence because He wanted not robots but lovers from the heart.

If anyone can find me a better person in history ,with more powerful and profound words than what this son of a carpenter spoke and who had a bigger impact than all those great men in that room i am all ears. When we see Him in the next life we also will be so amazed we will hardly be able to utter a word but its the words we hear from Him that will count so much.

Hopefully it will be 'well done thou good and faithful servant ' and not 'depart from me, i never knew you'.It really doesnt take much introspection to realize we are sinners.Who hasnt broken most or all of the commandments.Whether we are to proud to admit it or not we need a savior and turn from the things that are so destructive in our lives.We need to ask the Holy Spirit to come into our lives to help us overcome the dark side of our fallen human nature.

Most preachers go on to long and i dont mean to preach but to say simply i am still on the road to find more of the truth .I may have found just a grain of sand of the truth and know in my own weaknesses all i can do is look to the love and mercy of the One who holds the key to life .We can only try and share a few of the crumbs from the bread we have been given.

After a sermon usually comes the collection plate so i will take this time to remind you its not to late to give to the cause i did the ride for.Even if its that 10 dollars i have been chasing.If you want to keep in touch you can contact me at bkscan24@yahoo.com.au.Thanks once again for following my journey and all the support you have given.I am truly so appreciative of that.I dont think i will be doing another one .I might just stick with lawn bowls.

God bless,

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