Sunday, September 6, 2009

confessions of a shoplifter

I was hungry and just came from church so i went to the local huge market ,grocery store and bought 3 dollars worth of chicken where they put the price on the item and you are supposed to pay at the check out.I decided i would sit at the tables and eat it immediately.Unfortunately for me i made a mistake.

I forgot to pick up the empty packet and take it to the counter.I bougth some other food and paid for it but as i was leaving a security gaurd told me to come to the office.I wasnt worried just surprized because i knew i hadnt done anything wrong until they showed me the wrapper.

An employee walked in and sarcastically said 'enjoyed ya free meal,well now its gonna cost you'.Amazing how the accused are mainly presumed guilty until and if you can prove your innocense.I guess they were never going to believe the i forgot reason as that is what a guilty person would say so i cant blame them for going ahead and charging me.

Yes ,up to 250 dollars but at least the chicken was nice.Not that i can claim to have never have done such a thing many ,many years ago.I use to walk into Harris Scarfe up to 6 times a day and take a sterio and sell it to my favourite second hand store.Years later when i felt convicted about it i fessed up to the store but they kindly let me off.I am glad i didnt have to pay back 4 times the amount like one dude in the bible did.

So there you go ,from charity bike rider to crim because of 3 dollars of chicken.I was going to cry fowl play but i dont think it would have helped.

Took an extra day off today because i was still heaps tired but will definately cross over into Utah tomorrow.Catch ya then,
Yours in crime,

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