Sunday, July 5, 2009

i love riding,not

Please continue to pray.I had the worst day yesterday.I hadnt slept well and felt like a zombie all day just riding and wishing i was doing something else.even the scenary which a few days earlier i thought was great was now ho hum and as i said i havnt even started to know what a truly hard day is going to be like.I can only do this with your prayer and support and in Gods strenght ,i sure dont have much of my to hear from you all.cheers ,bernie


  1. hey bernie keep your head up, i rekon you are doing this ride because you are one of the few with the perserverance needed for such a huge task

  2. Thanks I appreciate the encouragement i know i need it!!

  3. hey bernie- you're an inspiration to me. I know it's going to be challenging, but keep at it! You're awesome.

  4. Hi Bernie hey in the words of some old song i heard "dont worry be happy" I was wondering if you could tell us a bit about why you decided to do the ride, have you always ridden bicycles?

  5. Hey Bernie! You can do it!

    Where are you now? It looks like your route takes you just south of where I was born and grew up. (DeKalb/Sycamore) We'll look for you from the sky when we fly out of Chicago this weekend.

    God Bless!

    Jon D.

  6. thanks guys for all ya comments.sorry it can take so long to get back to them but i really do appreciate them as sometimes ya feel a bit isolated out in the middle of nowhere.God is the real reason i am doing this and the cause secondary because if it was the greatest cause but God didnt want me to do it then it would be a failure.I only took up serious bike riding about 20 months ago and that is still only alot less than those full on into the biking stuff.I hate waking,weights,gym so this is the most enjoyable way for me to keep fit and my weight down cos i eat to much sweet and fatty stuff.bernie
